My Story

In late 2018, I was in the midst of figuring out what foods worked best with and for me. I had tried the raw food diet, went pescatarian, tried elimination - where I cut out coffee *oof!, and then all stimulants including chocolate *ouch, then reintroduced them and cut them out again. Thanks to my partner, I even tried on the vegan thing. I was experiencing discomfort in my body and heavy fatigue after meals, and none of the changes I was making were working.

I started to consult doctors. Many of them. At first, they were no help, and I felt even more confused than before. But then I consulted with a functional medicine doctor, who recommended I eat certain vegetables and, drumroll please: more meat. I couldn’t believe it, a doctor basically prescribing meat. So I cut out grains, eliminated all sugars (except a gram or two here and there cause a guy’s gotta live), focused on eating certain fresh veggies, and gave myself permission to eat more healthy, happy meat.

Everything changed.

My energy was back, and fairly quickly the discomfort I was experiencing went away. But I noticed that without eating grains and sugars, my snack-game was limited to nuts and bolts. I wanted to find a way to snack on high quality meat without ordering expensive delivery every day, and without always having to cook.

So I started making dried steak. Dried steak is different from regular beef jerky. It’s thicker and has more marbling throughout. Traditional beef jerky uses only lean meat, making it tough to chew and less flavorful. By choosing cuts of meat with slightly more fat, there’s so much more natural flavor in the beef and you don’t have to break your jaw chewing it. Dried steak is stored in the fridge so that it can last up to a month. You can even store it in the freezer if you want it to last up to a year.

Thanks for joining me on this journey!

Daniel Walker
